Welcome to the Patchworkers and Quilters Guild of Victoria, Australia
We get together in fellowship to promote and enjoy the art and craft of quilting.
Featured Post
The Ps&Qs general meeting has a new venue
The Ivalda Lodge is undergoing major renovations this year to celebrate its centenary. As a result, our Monthly Meetings will be held at the Waverley Masonic Centre in Mt. Waverley from March to October inclusive. We apologise for any inconvenience and we hope you...
Our Pop-up Shop is now open!
Ps & Qs have opened a pop-up shop in Eaglemont during the month of March. This shop is in support of Caring and Sharing, our principal community program.
A virtual tour of Australian Quilts in Public Places 2021
The Australian Quilts in Public Places 2021 exhibition has opened. This year’s theme was Where in the World, which can be interpreted through time, space, form or meaning.
Ps&Qs update – Covid-19 / Coronavirus
You will all be aware that the coronavirus pandemic is currently affecting our community. Our Guild has many members in higher risk categories (of older age and/or with existing health conditions)....
Report of February Meeting 2020
Read about the February 2020 meeting here.