Welcome to the Patchworkers and Quilters Guild of Victoria, Australia
We get together in fellowship to promote and enjoy the art and craft of quilting.
Featured Post
Our Pop-up Shop is now open!
Ps & Qs have opened a pop-up shop in Eaglemont during the month of March. This shop is in support of Caring and Sharing, our principal community program.
Report from December 2017 Meeting
Read about the December meeting and our special Christmas lunch.
Confessions of a quilting scrapaholic
Recently I have become engrossed with my scrap pile. This happens every so often when it outgrows its baskets and tries to escape. Scrap is like an alien being that multiplies until it threatens to take over my entire work area.
Report from the 2017 Biennial Members Exhibition
Our Biennial Exhibition has come and gone all too quickly. After nearly twelve months of meetings and planning by the Exhibition Committee 2017, the final results have been much more than we expected.
Report from August Meeting 2017
Read the report on the August meeting, and also a summary of the events of the annual meeting.