Medallion BOM 2022
This page is devoted to the 2022 Block of the MonthI do hope fellow members will enjoy the BOM I have designed for you. There are two versions. The first includes Snail Trail blocks and appliqué with vines in a border. The second is a simpler design with appliqué and blocks. The centre block is 18.5" square with your choice of appliqué, needle turn, hand or machine buttonhole stitch, or simple raw-edge appliqué.
The fabric I chose for the background on all neutral blocks is a mottled greyish white, which I feel is more interesting than a plain white, but my preference may not be yours.
I have included the fabric requirements for each version of the quilt. You can change these for your own colour preferences.
Our first block will be the centre section. Please email me if you have questions:
Fran Cox,
BOM Designer
Completed quilts and fabric list
Monthly Blocks
This section will be updated as each monthly block is released. Download the PDF file for the full instructions.
#1 - Centre Square
This is a good design for using up scraps, the flowers and leaves can be different colours as can the other blocks as well. I have made my quilt using mainly purple with contrasting colours, (it hardly made a dent in my purple stash!).
When cutting out the blocks I found that EQ is not accurate when it comes to fabric requirements. I have calculated the fabric required for the background fabric, which is where we will start first. The first block is the centre Tulip Bowl which is 18.5" finished. The background fabric total is 42" (1.07m). I suggest having at least 45" (1.15m) to allow for straightening the fabric.
I have made my quilt using machine appliqué, I always add an inch to the appliqué background fabric to allow for shrinkage. You may use Needle Turn, hand buttonhole or raw edge appliqué. Add a tear away stabiliser if you are doing machine or hand appliqué to stop the appliqué puckering.
To get started, download the Month #1 file and follow the instructions.
#2 - Snail Trail & Square in Square blocks
Snail Trail Block
There are 20 Snail Trail blocks in he design. For each set of cutting instructions you need to cut them in four colours.
Square in Square Block
In this design there are 16 Square in a Square blocks and 4 Snail Trail ones, you may choose to make 20 of the Square in a Square blocks.
To see the full instruction, download the Month #2 file and follow the instructions.
#3 - Black Tulip Appliqué Blocks
This month we are using appliqué to make the Black Tulip blocks. Download the BOM for the full instructions.
#4 - Bleeding Heart Appliqué Block
Make 4 of the Bleeding Heart Blocks
Fabric Requirements:
• Cut 4 x 4 5/8” neutral squares for centre background. The centre square is on point.
• Cut 16 Template A triangle in chosen colour. 3 ½” straight sides X 4 ¾” angle edge.
Trace the flower pieces onto Vslieflex without seam allowance for Buttonhole appliqué, trace onto paper for needle turn. Trace 4 of each for the blocks.
Fold neutral square in half on diagonal twice and press to find centre for appliqué. Apply all appliqué pieces in your chosen technique. When appliqué is complete trim centre square to 4 ½“.
Stitch the triangle pieces to each side of the centre piece. The finished square is 6.5 inches.
#5 - Open Rose Single Flower Block
Make these four flowers in Dark colours for this month.
- Cut four squares in neutral background fabric. Finished size is 6½". I cut mine larger and then trimmed back to the 6½" to allow for shrinkage from the appliqué.
- Cut the flower pieces from the template sheet.
DISREGARD the template A as that is the square you are appliquéing onto and I can’t remove the A.
#6 - Ohio Star Block
Make four of the Ohio Star Blocks
Cutting Instructions:
- From the background fabric cut 16 x 2 ½“ squares
- From your fabric choice for centre squares cut 4 x 2 ½“ squares.
- Cut 4 x 3 ½“ squares, cut twice on the diagonal
- Cut 8 x 3 ½“ squares contrast colours, cut twice on the diagonal.
The template sheet indicates that the squares are cut 3 ³⁄₁₆”. I cut a little larger and trimmed back once pieces were sewn (2 ½“).
Sewing Instructions:
Follow the diagram top left of template cutting sheet, to stitch your pieces together to make your block using your colour scheme.
Medallion BOM Final
Now is the time to start putting your BOM together. Do you need the templates for the Vine and Leaves in the border? The template is printed on A3 paper and will not fit in the newsletter. Email me on if you need the template and I will bring a copy to the November meeting.
All measurements for quilt construction are taken across the centre of your quilt top as it grows.
1st Round
The centre block needs to be trimmed to 18.5”. All other blocks should be 6.5”
Get your blocks, either the Snail Trails or the Square in a Square. Piece these together in 2 sets of 3 and 2 sets of 5 blocks.
With your centre square stitch, a row of 3 blocks to top and 3 blocks to the bottom of centre square. Press. Then stitch a strip of 5 blocks to the right and left sides of the centre square and blocks. Press. Work should now measure 30.5”
2nd Round
Get your 4 patch squares and join 3 blocks together in 4 sets. Press.
Join a Bleeding heart block to each end of 2 sets of 3, 4 square blocks. Then add an Ohio star to each Bleeding heart block and press.
To the other 2 sets of 4 square blocks add a Black Tulip block each end.
Join the Bleeding Heart and 4 square rows to each side of the centre piece. Press. Then add the other 2 strips to the top and bottom. Press. Work should now measure 42.5”.
3rd Round
Cut 4 strips 6.5 X 30.5” You can now add the vine and leaved to these pieces if you wish. (****See Embellishments) I added mine to the outer border.
To 2 of these strips add the Open Rose Dark and the Snail Trail blocks either end.
To the remaining 2 strips add the Open Rose Light either end.
Stitch the 2 strips with the Open Rose to either side of your work and press. Now stitch the other 2 strips to the top and bottom of your work and press. Work should now measure 54.5”.
1st Border
Cut 2 strips 54.5 X 2.5” and 2 strips 58.5 X 2.5”. Stitch 2 strips top and bottom of your work. Divide your work into 4 and place a pin in each 4th. Do the same for your border piece. Match pins with border and quilt top on top and bottom, then stitch and press.
Do the same for the sides, divide into 4 and match pins before stitching. Work should now measure 58.5".
Final Border
Cut 2 strips 58.5 x 6.5”. Stitch to either side of the top. Next check measurement and cut 2 strips 66.5" x 6.5" and stitch to the top and bottom of your quilt top.
If you are going to add the vine and leaves to the outer border it is now time to do this.
Needle Turn Applique
Using the template provided cut your vine pieces 16.5” straight onto fabric with seam allowance added. You need a length of 66” for each side of the border. Total of 264” for the vine.
For inner border cut vine length 30.5” x 4 and 44 leaves.
Stitch the vine onto your border folding under the seam allowance on both sides
I pieced mine in the length of each side and covered the joins with appliqued flowers. Next cut 85 leaves with seam allowance added and stitch to borders in a random way.
Buttonhole Stitch Applique
I used this method and cut a piece of Vslieflex 32” by width of the roll. I traced the vine on adding 0.5” at each end when I ironed onto fabric to allow for joining. Total of 266” fabric strip. After ironing the vslieflex onto the fabric I cut 4 pieces x 66”. Iron onto border and stitch into place.
Trace and cut 85 leaves for the border and iron and stitch into place. Then I cut 4 flowers to attach to each corner to cover the joins in the vine. I wasn’t happy with how the vine curved around the corner.
Backing required. 3.70m. (74" x 74") Cut backing in half and join on long edges, remove selvedges and press.
Wadding piece 74" x 74".
Lay backing on table wrong side up, lay wadding on top, then add quilt top allowing 4” all round for quilting ease. Baste tour quilt in the way you prefer. Quilt the quilt.
Last of all, cut 264” of binding in your preferred width. 2.5” or 2.25” or 2”. Join strips into one length, press seams and then press strip in half. Stitch to quilt front mitering the corners. Press to the top fold binding over and hand stitch into place.
Add a label to the back with your name, phone and year completed, with designer’s name and group name.
You can download a copy of these final instructions here.