105 cheerful members attended the May meeting - the 41st anniversary of the founding of the Guild. In addition to the 16 apologies we had 3 new visitors. The congratulations of the Guild go to Julie Adamson and Jan Frazer for their recent Awards: Julie's Prize winning quilt The Apprentice was awarded Best in Australia, and Jan received the Rajah Award for 2019. Sincere congratulations (and presentation of flowers) were made to both on their receipt of such prestigious awards. Below we can (partly) see the trophies, their flowers and their happy smiles!
The trader for May was Laurene Horsnell's The Quilter's Patch, from Moorabin. More details can be obtained from the web site the quilterspatch.com.au
Julie Adamson spoke to the group about her design and quilting journey. Many of the quilts Julie shared can be seen in the gallery below.
Members displayed some of the work completed recently at the Classes taken by Anita on Üsing Westerley Rulers.
Kelly Wulfsohn from Cutting Cloth in Fairfield will be the speaker at the June meeting. She will also provide the shop but with a difference. Details can be found in the coming Newsletter.
Members displayed their work on special (and occasionally long term) projects.
Remember to hunt up any items suitable for the Silent Auction which accompanies our July Biggest Morning Tea.
Looking forward to the June meeting.
Kerry Canty
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