Blooming Inspirations Workshop - Learn how to find the positive by painting the negative in this fun exploratory painting class using floral imagery as inspiration.
Judy will teach you her method for creating visually complex patterned imagery using acrylic inks and various easy stamping and masking techniques.
August 30 - 31 (Wednesday/Thursday)
Cost: $60 Ps & Qs members, $140 non-members
To secure your workshop place fill out our workshop booking form and pay the applicable fee. There is an additional workshop fee of $30 to cover speciality items for this class. We will send out more details and a supply list to attendees late July.
To complete your workshop booking, please bank transfer your workshop fee to Patchworkers & Quilters Guild of Victoria.
Bendigo Bank: BSB No. 633 000
Account No.: 162781033
Payment Reference (18 characters max): Workshop ID number, Surname, First Name Initial. eg. WS2 Brown M
Please save a copy of your Bank Transfer receipt for reference.
Click the online booking button and fill in your details.